Aneesa Khan has over 17 years of experience working in the Life and Health Insurance industry specializing in employee benefits as a consultant.
Aneesa has an Honours Bachelor of Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University, has earned her Group Benefits Associate designation, and is licensed by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) as a life insurance agent. In 2018, Aneesa was recognized as a Rising Star of the insurance industry in Canada by the Insurance Journal.
Aneesa lives an active lifestyle, which includes a daily yoga practice, weight training, and Muay Thai. Since transitioning to a fully plant based diet in 2012, Aneesa has experienced improved health, energy, enhanced performance, and is thriving.
Aneesa’s love for food has taken her down the path of becoming a plant based chef. She is currently working on her first plant based cookbook, and she is certified as a Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach.