Why Plant-Based?

There are so many wonderful reasons to go plant based! Check out the information below and the many other resources on our website!


    Eating a plant based diet may prevent, halt or even reverse many chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and type-2 diabetes. Not only that, a plant based diet can help to increase energy, improve digestion and improve immunity.


    Being on a plant based diet has been shown to significantly improve performance by increasing energy and blood circulation, improving muscle recovery, and decreasing inflammation.


    A plant based diet places a much lighter impact on the environment by using significantly less water and land, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.


    In most cases, animals aren’t treated very nicely in the food production process. With so many plant based options readily available at grocery stores and restaurants, it is easier than ever to eat plant based and keep animals off your plate :)

  • Reduction in risk of heart disease, 23% reduction in risk of type-2 diabetes and between 20-50% reduction in risk of various types of cancer.

  • Decrease in inflammatory markers in the blood after just 1 month on a plant based diet. Reduction in inflammation reduces recovery time which can improve performance.

  • Of the Amazon Rainforest deforestation is due to animal agriculture.

  • Animals saved per year for each person eating a plant based diet.

Where do you get your protein?

This is by far the most commonly asked question to anyone on a plant based diet and we want
to address this first. Trust us when we say, plant based food has a lot of protein! Protein can be
found in everything from lentils, beans, tofu, nuts, and seeds and, believe it or not, you can even
find protein in greens vegetables, fruits and grains!

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and plant based foods are packed
full of them. The trick is to eat a wide variety of plant based foods so that you get
all nine essential amino acids.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 0.83 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight per day “would be expected to meet the requirements of most (97.5%) of the healthy adult population.” That would mean for someone
weighing 150 pounds, they would require 56 grams of protein per day. Your protein requirements may change if you are pregnant, lactating, or are an athlete.